Modern house, office and business furniture, furniture ethiopia and Interior ethiopia.


I just returned from a quick trip to Atlanta. The impetus for this trip was my daughter Meg's birthday (last month), her friend Abby's birthday (this month) and their mutual love for American Girl Dolls. So, as a joint birthday celebration, Abby's mom Becky and I decided to take the girls to the American Girl Store in Atlanta.

It was like they had returned to the mother ship . . . they were totally in their element. I think love of shopping must be genetic. 
Must have doll outfit. Looks like she's in a shopping coma.

While we were in Atlanta, Becky and I managed to squeeze in some shopping of our own. First, there was the Ballard's Back Room outlet near where we were staying in Alpharetta. Becky scored a hanging lantern and some cool art. Nada for me. Just wasn't my day.

The next morning before heading back to Nashville, we made a prolonged pit stop at the Scott Antique Market. I've only been once before, but Becky had never been. She was blown away. Now, first of all, shopping a huge antique market with two young girls is not ideal. We flew through at breakneck speed to curtail their boredom and whining frustration and to keep them from trying on every piece of jewelry in the place. Second of all, I didn't take as many photos as I would have liked. I was too busy corralling my daughter away from the priceless antique china and tchotchkes. 

But, here's what I did spy . . .
How cool is this industrial rolling shelf with metal baskets? I have nowhere to put this in my house, it would not have fit in my crossover SUV, plus, it was already sold. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Next, I spotted these beautiful French dining chairs. The velvet upholstery was in decent shape (a few worn spots), but was a great shade of dark blue. I'll call it Prussian blue (just because that sounds nice). They were $675 for 6 chairs! That's just over $100 a chair, people!!! Great deal. Once again, didn't need them, but oh, how I wanted them.

I loved this small worn red leather Chesterfield sofa. It spoke to me. I think it was saying, "Take me home. For $350, you don't need a place for me now. I can sit quietly in the basement until you find the perfect spot." But the reality of paying for it to be shipped set in. I just need to bring a U-Haul next time. And there will be a next time!  Sidenote: I showed this photo to my husband who commented, "It looks like something out of a horror movie." Not exactly a ringing endorsement of my taste/decorating skills. What does he know? I told him, "Chesterfields are very "in" right now. Check out Restoration Hardware if you don't believe me." I don't think he cared.

I just liked the shape of this simple English chair and at $375 for the pair, I thought the price was decent too.

I was digging the bamboo on these small stools/ottomans. They were too expensive for me (I can't even remember the exact price; I want to say around $600 each), and, I must say, there was a ton of this stuff at Scott's - furniture painted greige or white with burlap upholstery. This one obviously had the Chinoiserie vibe but there were just as many French pieces with the same treatment. I know this style is very popular right now, and I like it, but it just seems like everyone's doing it.

Of course, I had to include a piece of art featuring a lady. The colors in this one were truly spectacular. However, at $950, I had to pass. Sigh.

And last, but certainly not least, I loved this campaign chest. The natural wood (looks like pine), the brass hardware, the leather top. But, it was cracked down either side, and I felt sure my husband would have thought I was on crack if I came home with this. Plus, I could not find a price or the booth owner, so it was not meant to be. I may regret this one.

A parting shot of my dear daughter with one of her American Dolls (sporting a new raincoat and boots). This chair was just too groovy not to photograph. Meg gave it a thumbs up.

So, what did I buy, you might ask? Nothing! Can you believe it?! The things I loved were too expensive, and the things I could possibly afford, I didn't really need (or couldn't transport). However, my daughter did end up purchasing something at Scott's off the dollar table . . . 
A small bowl made in Japan (my love of all things Asian must have rubbed off on her) for her American Girl Doll, of course.

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Write by: AN - Sunday, April 11, 2010

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