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Bald Head, Here We Come!

In a last ditch effort to hang onto summer and celebrate my mom's 60th birthday, my family (all 16 of us) are headed to Bald Head Island for a week. (She may not be glad that I just announced her age to the world). Oh well...

For those of you who have been to Bald Head, you already know how special it is. For those of you who haven't, I wanted to share some of my favorite spots with you. It is like diving head first into an issue of Coastal Living (only with very loud children tagging along).

I have been coming to Bald Head since I was five years old and there is no other place in the world like it. We would spend the entire summer here with just a handful of people. There were very few houses, no phones, no TV's, no cars. It was good ol' fashioned summer. While things have changed a lot over here, it is still breathtaking, peaceful and the perfect way to end a summer... the good ol' fashioned way.

At 7 am this morning, with tons of kids and coffee in tow, I scouted out some of my favorite spots to share with you.

You can't see in the picture, but there is a basket of flip flops on the porch and a swing. Sit back and have a lemonade with me. Uh oh, here come my kids... spike it quick.

These are a couple of my favorite houses on the harbor. You can hear the ferry roll in.

I love this Charleston style porch. I am sure that at 7:00 am the homeowners thought it was strange that I was stalking their house to get the best light.

This one is right next door. I love the flamingos.

Notice my child is barefooted, she lost her flip flops...

Ah ha! Don't know how these got lost with the fist-size bling on the toe. Good to have if you get stuck on a deserted island.

This is one of the three houses at Captain Charlie's Station and was built in the early 1900's for the lighthouse keeper. They are restored and rentable. I wonder if the renter's thought it was strange this morning when I was peeking around in their dining room. They still have the same old painted gray floors and exposed brick.

I love these garage doors. Since cars are not allowed on the island. This garage houses two golf carts.

Thankfully, these homeowners weren't home when I was trying to figure out who makes these benches. I am thinking Century?

Then I was trying to figure out how to move here. (To see the interiors of this home, check out the September issue of Coastal Living).

or here...

A friend of my mom's brought over this festive sign so everyone will know we are celebrating. Cute huh?

Thought you should see the picture of us arriving by golf cart. Remind you of anything?

Well now its time to say good by to Ted and all his kin.
And they would like to thank you folks fer kindly droppin in.
You're all invited back a gain to this locality
To have a heapin helpin of their hospitality

Hillybilly that is. Set a spell, Take your shoes off.
Y'all come back now, y'hear?.

Bye, bye birdie,

Credit to: Bald Head Island, Coastal Living
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Write by: AN - Monday, September 20, 2010

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