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Happy Memorial Day...

Memorial day is the (un)official begining of summer as labor day is the (un)official end to summer. But yall know by now that I like little history lessons and facts. So here goes... Memorial day began in  Charleston, South Carolina (one of my favorite places on Earth)in 1865. Freed slaves built a graveyard for Union soldiers that had died in Charleston. And on May 1, 1865 up to 10,000 freed slaves (including women and children) visited the graveyard for sermons, singing and a picnic. This was the first 'Decoration Day' celebration that we now know as Memorial Day.

We celebrate by heading to the beach... And on Thursday, Jeff(sweet hubby), called me to say we were staying at the beach for 2 nights!

He must of realized he'd be visiting my grave soon if he didn't get me away from the house and life for a few days...So we packed up and left, er drove over the bridge 15 minutes from our door... (We are counting that!) We had a blast! I even got the annual forced family fun photo of the kids on the porch. I take this picture every year and every year you would think I was asking them if I could chop their arms off. Only took 300 pics. to get this one!

Friday night my cute bro. and his family joined us on the beach for a competitive game of soccer... (we smoked was sad really...)

Anyway, here's a family shot after the soccer game- AFTER I ran up and down the beach for 30 minutes trying to be the cool active mom... I'm not really in to sweating or feeling like I need an oxygen tank strapped to my back for survival... let's just say in this picture I'm glistening and breathing great on my own!

Tonight we will finish off the weekend with a cookout and if I get my way, bedtime for all of us by 7:30!

How about you, any big plans?
Hope your weekend has been great...
Bye,bye birdie,

credit to: Wikapedia
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Write by: AN - Sunday, May 29, 2011

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