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One of Those Weeks

I try not to complain, but I'm glad the past week is over. It was one of "those" weeks. I was ill most of the week (nothing major, honestly), but the most upsetting thing is that we had to re-home or adopt out one of our beloved dogs. It's a very long story that I won't go into, but suffice it to say that she needed to go live somewhere else so she could live a happy and well-adjusted life. It was a horribly sad and depressing decision to make, but we know we did the best thing for Coco. Thanks to the Chattahoochee Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club for placing her so quickly. We'll always love you, Coco.

Coco is on the right. Piper is our golden retriever. This is an older photo. Piper is much bigger now.

Also, this big guy finally started Kindergarten on Thursday.  Bittersweet for sure.
His assessment of school so far (he's only been been two half days)? "It's fun, but kind of boring. The teacher just wanted us to be quiet all the time." Sounds about right.

On Friday, I was able to hit a couple of estate sales before picking him up at noon. It raised my spirits a bit. Here's what I found . . . 

This hand-carved decorative wooden wall-hanging with gold-leafed peacocks. It's pretty heavy and very unique, I thought.

This awesome (and massive) hand-glazed ceramic black marbleized lamp. It needs a new shade for updating purposes, but it's in great shape. It was made by the Frederick Cooper Co., which I honestly didn't know much about. They're still around apparently and have been making quality lamps for decades. I'm assuming this one is from the 70's. If you look on 1st Dibs or eBay they are worth quite a bit. 

And lastly, some small accessories that I thought were charming . . . 

A mid-century C. Jere-style brutalist flower sculpture. It's either brass or copper (or some metal that doesn't attract a magnet).

And this small metal, mushroom sculpture. I just thought it was cute.
All these items (and more) will either go in my online shop or the tag sale that a couple of other bloggers and I are having on October 1 . . . more details to come soon, I promise.

Here's to a happy week for everyone!
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Write by: AN - Sunday, August 21, 2011

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