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Ann and Hooper's European Vacation

What NOT to do while in London:
When quoted price of goods at country antique fair say: Are you sure? That seems really low??
Begin to speak with British accent while bargaining so not to be recognized as stupid American.
Hold out hand full of pounds and pence and tell vendor to pick because we have no idea what they mean.
Mistake nanny for potential new client.
Go to swanky cocktail party decked out in Ann Taylor.
Beg to visit British IKEA
We are home and had a blast!
When we arrived, we played tourist and took the double decker bus tour. Aside from the fact the we were freezing and Ann kept nodding off, we got to see all of the sites in a 3 hour tour. Here are some of our highlights...

Big Ben is killer and lucky for us none of the London bridges were falling down (there are bridges everywhere...who knew?)

Since neither of us have been to London, it was so cool to see everything. Friday morning (early) we took a ride into the country to the antique fair. We shopped literally until we dropped and had huge success finding one of a kind pieces for the mountain house. We would love to show you all of them, but you will have to wait for the big reveal. In the mean time, check out some of our fave purchases...

 JUST KIDDING! Doesn't it remind you of the hats at the royal wedding? BTW (no sighting).

How great is this? What a find -- 60's lucite in perfect condition.

Future coffee table, circa 1800's

Future powder room mirror.

We are so glad to be home... We were greeted in the airport by husbands, 7 kids and "Welcome Home" signs!  The adventures were plentiful and the fact that we traveled together and made all of our flights was a miracle. It was a serious case of the blind leading the blind! We have lots to show you and we will as soon as the jet lag wears off!

We are home and had a jolly good time. Our lovely 
hostess-with-the- mostess gave us mugs that say:
And that is exactly what we did...
Bye, bye birdie,
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Write by: AN - Monday, December 5, 2011

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