Modern house, office and business furniture, furniture ethiopia and Interior ethiopia.

Around Here

As I may have mentioned, my children are on Spring Break this week so I've been on full-time mommy duty, but I just wanted to pop in to share some random things. Last week before we left for Memphis, I moved some things around and put my framed marbled paper where my lady portrait used to be.
Excuse the glare on the glass.
I'm really liking how the greens and pinks in the paper work with my grandmother's pottery lamp and my estate sale brass wire tree . . .
Just a reminder, this is what the bamboo cabinet looked like before with my Peyton Place portrait (doesn't she resemble one of its characters?) above it . . .
My husband had tired of the portrait so she's waiting in the wings for her next location in the house. For now, she's hanging out in the tornado room where she might stay (she seems to like things that are dark and mysterious). 

Sometimes it's nice to mix things up a bit just for a change. Have you made any changes around your house?

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Write by: AN - Thursday, April 5, 2012

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