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Two New Additions to our Family

The last time I welcomed two new additions to the family, it was twins. Not this time (thank goodness).  Over the weekend, a precious new baby joined our family. Meet "Teddy":
We named him after my dad. You might be a redneck if... you name a pet after a family member. Well...
He is a baby cocker spaniel weighs 3.5 pounds (I picked the runt).  He is growing fast and is the sweetest thing you have ever met. 
This is how it went down: We had picked him out a week before. Kids had no idea. None. We left Greensboro early Friday from our Thanksgiving visit with Read's family. 
We said: "Kids, no fussin' (another redneck word). Mom found a table on Craig's List in Burlington and we have to make a stop on the way home."
 Kids didn't say a word because they think this is totally normal. 
I dropped them off at the general store for a snack and bathroom break (with Read of course) and headed to pick up my new baby. Minutes later, I returned for some coffee with Teddy Bear in my coat. (Kids, still clueless). 
Read filmed the entire thing and kids still thought that was normal. 
Graham: Mom, did you get the table? 
Me: Huh? Oh no, it was junk, but I did get this instead....
Shock and awe. They are loving every minute with their new "brother". Hutson said he is glad he is no longer the youngest. 
Over the weekend, my upholsterer delivered his new bed. 
Ok, just kidding. 
 However, sofa was so fab, it made it into the living room and I couldn't bear to shut it up in my office. Teddy is digging it too. 
 Here it is a big shot of new sofa in living room. No comments about the Norman Rockwell weekend I had. Ignore giant pregnant tree in corner. 
 Remember the mother of pearl in-lay and the black lacquer trim? Oh yeah. Remember that I found it at auction for $250? See here. These two additions made for the best Thanksgiving weekend to date. Teddy tops the list. 
bye by birdie...
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Write by: AN - Tuesday, November 27, 2012

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