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Forced Family Fun Photo Shoot!

My head is spinning... Saturday was my brother's wedding. All last week I was running around like a mad woman trying to tie up loose ends for the rehearsal dinner. Let me just tell you we did it at a farm and we (my sister in law, and sister and I ) did all the tables. Burlap over cream linen with all sizes of mason jars filled with candles, antlers on the tables , & wild rambling flowers and greenery in vases. Sounds pretty? It was GORGEOUS! I can say this because I have no pics. to show you to prove that it wasn't. My pics. were to dark so I am waiting on pics. from someone else...I'll post then if they are good.

But... I do have some family pics. to show you. My sweet Jen from Fotojenik came over and snapped a few shots of the kids before we left. There were no adults in the wedding only the nieces and nephews. I am a little old for taffeta so this was a very good thing!

 Okay so I 'S' is not in my stairwell... yet... well it was but I took it down for fear it would fall and kill someone and it is going back up as soon as my brother's can come over and secure it properly...
 That bow tie was more then I could handle...too cute. My sweet Lindley was mad because her shoes would not stay on. She sulked the entire photo shoot... At the end I paid her $20. for this fake smile. Yes- I paid my child $20 to smile. Take notes & sign up for my parenting class...

Molly grabbed those flowers from the yard and never stopped posing! Addie had a fever of 101 the whole day. We stuck her on a bench at the reception and she slept through everything.


Sweet,cute hubby! I had this pic up... then took it down...then put it back up... So here it is- I hate pics. of myself- I am so much cuter and younger in my head...bummer. I drive Jeff crazy! So Jeff here is a picture of us... up for the world to see!

ANYWAY... Thanks Jen! It was great to have these pics!

May all your wedding weekends be fabulous!
Bye bye Birdie,

BIG credit to: Fotojenik
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Write by: AN - Monday, February 28, 2011

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