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Diary of a College Weekend

There were eight of us that lived together in college (I'll spare you the college images), but we have all stayed in touch over the years and get together for girls' weekends as often as possible. This past weekend topped them all! My dear friend Allison (and old roomie) got married in Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, SC. The entire weekend blew me away. It was the most gorgeous setting and we loved being there to celebrate with the happy couple. And boy did we celebrate. I have tried to make this funny, but I'm too tired and frankly, was funny all weekend, so I'm kinda funnied  out. At any rate... 
She got married at the Palmetto Bluff Chapel yesterday morning. The wedding was intimate and perfect. Tons of hydrangeas and peonies. They said "I do" at 11:30 in the morning which meant, you guessed it, we had all day and night to celebrate. 
 Some of the guests stayed here in the Inn at Palmetto Bluff, others rented cottages. You MUST visit, it's like going back in time. In fact, we thought we were back in college.
 We lounged (passed out) in the afternoon by the salt water pool. 
 We had a delicious low-country dinner in this club house last night and danced until the wee hours. Check out the exposed beams and teak floors. The only color is from the outside surroundings and tons of oil paintings from local artists.
It's like Pleasantville, only with slightly crazier people. 
... Like my husband (left) and BFF's husband (who look like wax statues). Strange I know. They were practicing new poses we learned from the photographer. It was just too good to leave off the post (and they think they are hot). 
 Here we are. Still young and cute (in our minds). Glowing bride in white. Doesn't she look amazing! We are all certainly much more mature, wise and still 21 at heart.  

 Me and the bride. In my mind, my dress was a little more blousey...a little less wife-beater. I was cute, (I swear). That's it! Kids are asleep and I'm off to bed, it's 8:00. I slight reminder that I am no longer in college. Congratulations to Allison and Jim! Thank you so much for including us! We love you!
Bye bye birdie,

 credit to: Palmetto Bluff, Advil

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Write by: AN - Monday, June 20, 2011

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