Modern house, office and business furniture, furniture ethiopia and Interior ethiopia.

We're Off...

We are working on a project in the Highlands. It is a quaint (code for ritzy) area in the North Carolina mountains and supposedly gorgeous. It is about 8 hours away so we decided to pack up all of our fabric, tile and house plans and head west to meet with the client and get to know the area. Problem is we also decided to pack up our 7 kids, 2 husbands and drive off into the sunset. 
Originally, Ann and I thought it would be brilliant to just take "some of the kids" so we could all fit in one car. Let's just say this did not go over well. Plus, how do you choose (and our husbands think we are idiots). So... here is what we can expect:

"Are we there yet" 7 X every ten minutes for 8 hours
"I don't feel so good"... at least 7 times
"Who thought this would be a good idea again?" from our two very excited husbands at least once    every hour.
"Why did we need to pack large suitcases of tile samples?" at least 4 times
And finally.... 
"Who thought this would be a good idea again???

So, once we arrive, we are ditching the kids and hubbys and going to the job site to check progress and triple check furniture plans. We have color schemes, layouts and plans all ready to show our client. We are so excited and can't wait to share more about this project in later posts. 
In the mean time, check out what is waiting for us in the mountains....
 We aren't staying here, it just looked so picturesque, I couldn't resist. 
 Hiking trails...

Lakes and sunsets...
Waterfalls... AND chilly nights and cooler days! 
Now does that sound like fun or what?

Bye bye birdie,

credit to: VRBO, CashiersNC, Trillium
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Write by: AN - Wednesday, August 10, 2011

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