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Chain Letter

Sweet Heather from Love Your Space included me in a little blog chain letter going around. While I usually don't love snail mail or email chain letters, this virtual blog version is pain-free and didn't suggest I would experience bodily harm if I broke the chain. So, I decided to play along. Here are the simple rules:

1. You must post the rules!
2. Answer the 11 questions the tagger posted for you and then create 11 new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
3. Tag 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Let them know you’ve tagged them.

So, without further ado, I shall attempt to answer Heather's questions. Here goes:
1.  Do you blog for business or pleasure?  Tell us more.
I blog for fun, however I'm not opposed to blogging for money. In fact, I recently established a decorating business - ek interiors - with my friend Elizabeth so I will be sharing projects and information about that on my blog going forward. So, I guess in that respect, I will be blogging a bit for both. Very exciting!

2. What's your favorite post (on your own blog), and why?
Wow, that's a tough one because I work so hard on all of them (well, most of them) that they feel a bit like children. And you can't choose between your children, can you? But if I must, I'd have to say one of my favorites and consequently one of my most popular posts was when I revealed my dining room that I painted Champion Cobalt by Benjamin Moore. I still love looking at my dining room every day - it makes me very happy!
3.  You're stranded on a desert island.  What five items washed ashore with you to decorate your newfound home?
Just five items? Oh, this is tough. I would have to say my pagoda mirror (so I can assess how hideous I look without makeup), Milo Baughman-style chair, Parson's console table to set stuff upon (coconuts, etc.), orange velvet Baker sofa and brass garden seat (to use as a side table or additional seating for whatever natives drop by). 

4.  If your blog had a soundtrack, what would it be?
Oh, I'm so bad at picking music. Seriously. My husband usually dictates (well, not literally) what we listen to (he's a huge Radiohead fan). I typically just listen to whatever is on the radio. Lately, I've been loving Fitz and the Tantrums, so I would have that playing . . . it's fun and retro and catchy. Kind of like my blog.

5.  If you could have dinner with any designer or blogger (living or dead), who would it be?
Uggh, another tough one. I would love to have dinner with Celerie Kemble because she just seems so down to earth and normal. Every time I see one of her designs or her in a magazine, I always think she could be a friend of mine - a very stylish friend with great taste.
6.  What is the first major design decision you made?
I guess the first major design decision came when we moved into a new house when I was in 7th grade, and I picked lavender walls and creamy bedding for my new bedroom. The mid 80's were an awesome time for design!

7.  What is the craziest color you ever painted anything?
I don't necessarily think it's crazy, but, once again, I'd have to choose my vivid Champion Cobalt blue dining room (see above). It's probably the most "out there" color I've ever chosen. 

8.   Do you remember paint color (or nail polish, lipstick, etc.) names?  Share one off the top of your head, and what kind of color it was.  Or let us guess.
I do tend to remember paint color names. Here's one for you - Mysterious. Can you guess what it is? Here's a hint, I've used it in my house . . . somewhere.

9. What is your biggest design or DIY fail?
There is so much trial and error when it comes to DIY. I just chalk it up to a learning experience when it happens (although I get severely bent out of shape at the time). I would have to say anytime I try to paint a ceramic lamp it goes badly. Haven't had a good experience with that yet.

10.  What is the coolest opportunity that has come your way because of your blog?
I've had some great experiences and met some wonderful people as a result of my blog, but I think the coolest opportunity or perk came when I blogged about a trip to Chicago and staying at the James Hotel. The James saw my post and before I arrived, they had arranged to upgrade my husband and me to a bigger/better room. Another opportunity that is coming up is the chance to go to Blogfest 2012 in NYC with other interior design bloggers at the end of May (my husband registered me). So excited!

11.  If you were invited to write a decorating book, what would it include and/or what would the title be?
If I were to write a decorating book it would include lots of practical examples of how you can achieve unique, personal spaces and avoid cookie-cutter style.  I think too many people fall into the trap of trying to make their homes look like someone else's space instead of their own. Not sure of a good title. Everything I keep coming up with sounds cheesy. 

Wow, that was probably more than you ever wanted to know about me. Thanks, Heather, for including me! For the 11 blogs I'm tagging, I'm choosing just some of my daily reads (some I'm not including because they have already been tagged by Heather). If you've already been tagged, please forgive me or if you choose not to participate, I get that too. 

Now, my 11 questions . . . 
1. Do you blog daily? Why or why not?
2. Is blogging your day job, just a hobby or an off-shoot of your "real" job (which is what)?
3. If you could pick one room in your house to have decorated by a famous designer, which room would you choose and why?
4. Which famous decorator would you choose to re-do your room (#3) and why?
5. What are your favorite type of posts to write (DIY, sharing new finds, inspiration pics, etc.)?
6. What have you learned/what have you gained from blogging?
7.  For someone just starting out in the blogging world, what advice would you give?
8. What is your biggest decorating pet peeve?
9. What is a little-known fact about you that your readers would be surprised to learn?
10. Who do you most admire in the blogging world and why?
11. What is a trend you still love (even if it's overdone, you just can't help yourself)?

There, now go read these ladies' blogs because they're really good!

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Write by: AN - Thursday, February 23, 2012

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